Make Money From Home
When looking to earn from home, there are some legitimate ways to do this and some that are not that great. Legitimate jobs include babysitting, pet sitting, lawn care and other service type jobs. If those types of jobs were not what you had in mind, you can work online for yourself. This means set up your own blog, such as the one you are reading. Put Adsense and Affiliate ads on it to earn money. You can also earn money from home by uploading cool videos to YouTube and monetizing them. Additionally, there are people raking in dollars selling on Ebay, Amazon, and Kindle. There are some telecommute opportunities that you might consider, but be careful. Do not give out personal information or pay anyone anything. If you have programming or graphic art experience, you can have people hire you on Fiverr or Elance. If you are a minor, get your parent's approval before you do anything.Here is a site you might look at for ideas. Jobs for Teens